Name of wetland
Lago de Tota
Coordinates, region, country, size (ha)
Lat 5.55, Long -72.92. Neotropics. Colombia, Sugamuxi. 6,000 Ha (lake) and 24,000 Ha (watershed).
Type and key characteristics.
Lago de Tota is a tropical, dystrophic high Andean lake and is thermally meromictic (permanently stratified). The lake is 3,015m above sea level on the eastern side of the Colombian Andean mountains, with a maximum watershed height of 3,800m above sea level. It is 47km in perimeter, with an estimated maximum depth of 70m (average of 33m), containing a volume of 2,000 million cubic metres of water. It is 12.25km long, and is 7.1km wide, with five islands.
The Lago de Tota’s watershed is especially important because it is part of the Páramo (moor) ecosystem, a very specific ecosystem that only exists in some tropical countries. Colombia has the most Páramos in the world, mainly located in this region. It is an extremely fragile ecosystem and important in maintaining the water cycle.
This natural lake is the biggest in Colombia, and known as the 2nd highest in south America (after Lake Titicaca in Bolivia/Perú). The lake was formed in the ice age, the remnants of a huge Andean sea. It now provides water to nearly 500,000 people in the region.
The lake was designated an IBA site in 2008, and according to a recent report by Asociación Ornitológica de Boyacá- Ixobrychus it has had 116 bird species recorded since 2003, 7 of them as endemic, and some endangered or at risk of extinction at an international level (Garcita Dorada, Ixobrychus exilis bogotensis; Pato Burco, Oxyura jamaicensis andina; Tingua Cundiboyacense, Rallus semiplumbeus; Cucarachero de Pantano, Cistothorus apolinari; Tingua Moteada, Gallinula melanops; Colaespina Cundiboyacense, Synallaxis subpudica; and Conirostro Rufo, Conirostrum rufum).
The name “Tota” comes from ancient times, from the indigenous Muisca culture; and according to a scientific linguist (Mariana Escribano) its main name meaning stands for “Astronomic Observatory”, relating to its sacred uses for that culture. There are legends which relate to the way that lake was formed by the hands of ancient ancestors.
Current uses for Lago de Tota and its watershed are for water consumption, agriculture uses (onion farms mainly, but also potato and others), some caged trout farming industry, limited animal farming, mining, tourism, water for heavy industry (a big steel industry mainly, located apart 30 km from the lake). A large watershed area (highlands) remains in its native state, without economic activities.
The average monthly temperature of the region at lake level is 11.7 °C, but the minimum is 0.6 °C. Average rainfall varies from 680 to 1,130 mm per year.
Native flora includes: Miconia sp. (esmeraldo), Abatia sp. (paloblanco), Vallea sp. (gaque), Prunus sp. (cerezo silvestre), Myrcianthes sp.(arrayán), Juglans sp.(nogal), Hesperomeles sp. (mortiño), Cedrela sp. (cedro).
Native fauna includes: Nasua nasua (guache o cusumbo), Didelphis albiventris (fara o chucha), Cuniculus taczanowskii (tinajo o guagua), Sylvilagus brasiliensis (conejo), Mustela frenata (comadreja), Crytotis sp. (musaraña), Cavia porcellus (Curí), Dasypus novemcinctus (armadillo), Dendropsophus labialis (Rana andina), Anadia sp. (lagratija).
Award won
Grey Globe
Contact in the local area (NGO, individual, government rep, whichever is most appropriate. Could be several contacts)
1. Fundación Montecito (NGO, Sogamoso)/ Felipe Velasco – e: [email protected] – sites: – –
2. Johana Zuluaga (NGO, Bird Association in Boyacá – Ixobrychus) – [email protected]
3. Fernando Chaparro (NGO + region walker) - [email protected]
4. Pedro Reyes (NGO, Boyacá) – [email protected]
5. Jorge Valencia (Consultant and University professor) – [email protected]
6. Jairo Chaparro (Consultant and Academy professor, Bogotá) - [email protected]
7. Héctor Rodríguez (Journalist, Sogamoso) - [email protected]
Management organisation(s)
1. Corpoboyacá (Corporación Autónoma Regional de Boyacá).
2. Ministerio de Ambiente y Desarrollo Sostenible (MADS) – as the main environmental authority in Colombia.
Quotes from local people/organisations supporting the award
· “Debe ser un éxito... es lo realmente esperado. Por la joya verde de Sugamuxi”, (Walter Martínez, 11.4.2012).
· “El Lago de Tota necesita nuestro apoyo y también nuestra protección. Si logramos este reconocimiento internacional, tendremos más apoyo para conservarlo. No podemos seguir indemnes frente a la grave situación que enfrenta el Lago de Tota con su altísimo grado de contaminación, no sigamos contemplando el problema: Actuemos!!!”, (Red de Páramos de Boyacá, 30.3.2012).
· “Votos al Lago de Tota como ‘goticas de afecto para su alma... con espíritu solidario’. Querido y bello Lago de Tota: Estás amenazado de muchas formas, mal manejado, enfermo, intranquilo; lo sabemos. En cada voto a éste tema del GLOBO GRIS, recibe nuestro mensaje de amor infinito, y nuestro deseo de recuperarte y conservarte, porque te queremos y necesitamos siempre sano y fuerte”, (Felipe A. Velasco, 30.3.2012).
· “El Lago de Tota fue postulado al premio Globo Gris por las amenazas que lo rondan y con el propósito de que el mundo dirija su mirada a este humedal”, (press: El Tiempo/ B7D, Héctor H. Rodríguez, 11.1.2012 – here).
· “Ese premio es genuina publicidad de la buena, y a nivel mundial... bien craneado!... sería un gran logro, a ver si al menos pena nos da... y que ésta saque de la arena política a los que nunca hicieron nada...” (MiGenteLinda, B7D, 14.1.2012).
· “Definitivamente hay concursos de concursos. Al paso que va el Lago de Tota le va a ocurrir lo de otros cuerpos de agua como Fúquene en donde la gente abusó tanto de las cercanías, relleno, invasión, secado y cuando el agua retomó su curso por la inundación acabó con la invasión que encontró. Hace falta una legislación más firme y una aplicación de la ley para proteger un entorno que pertenece a todos los colombianos y a la humanidad; de la contaminación, uso indebido del agua, invasión de sectores secos por el retiro del agua”, (jprodri1, B7D, 13.1.2012).
· “Ya voté también, sí son varios pasos pero es fácil siguiendo instrucciones de esa página. Son centenares de humedales en el mundo los que concursan... pero tenemos que ganar eso, porque nuestro lago de tota clama ayuda, lleno de contaminación daños y basuras, no hay derecho!!”, (perchan, B7D, 12.1.2012).
· “… premio Globo Gris, organizado por la red mundial de conseguimos ganar, el lago tendría reconocimiento internacional y los mecanismos para su conservación y protección serían más eficaces....votemos!! son sólo unos minutos, tómate el tiempo porque probablemente después sea demasiado tarde...”, (Ángela Caycedo, 30.3.2012).
· “Después de conocer más de cerca la problemática del lago, crece la necesidad de protegerlo, conservarlo y defenderlo. Sí se necesita reconocimiento internacional y preocupación de todos, perder 5600 hectáreas de ecosistema con la belleza que aún conserva sería imperdonable. Debemos apropiarnos, conocer y asumir una responsabilidad en estas problemáticas. Somos responsables del problema pero también de la solución”, (Ángela Caycedo, 26.3.2012).
· “Hoy el OBSA expondrá a los estudiantes del Colegio Salesiano por qué votar y cómo votar”, (Mónica Maritza Pineda, 21.3.2012).
· “Muchas gracias por sus votos! qué bueno que estas redes puedan contribuir a causas que nos lleven hacia un mejor planeta...”, (Ángela Caycedo, 19.3.2012).
· “El Lago necesita un premio y reconocimiento internacional, votemos, porque desde el ambiente también nos hacemos más democráticos”, (Ángela Caycedo, facebook event, 14.3.2012).
· “Los premios Globo son ante todo un excelente ejercicio democrático ambiental para humedales, de la sociedad civil, a nivel mundial, cada cual es libre de votar o no, y de hacerlo como considere y logre argumentar; y la organización (WWN) cuida que la verdad sea dicha con especial sentido de responsabilidad social”, (Felipe Andrés Velasco, 24.2.2012).
· “El emblemático lago de Tota, nada menos que el embalse natural más importante de Colombia, está desapareciendo día por día. Su deterioro no es más un secreto a voces: es una pésima noticia, que durante los cuatro primeros meses de este año, gracias a la enérgica defensa que han emprendido la Fundación Montecito, el movimiento cívico Mocilato y las principales autoridades del departamento de Boyacá, ha ido llegando a oídos de ambientalistas del mundo entero. En enero se supo que el legendario reservorio ha sido postulado al vergonzoso premio Globo Gris, que otorga la World Wetland Network con el propósito de salvar cuerpos de agua amenazados, como el que corre un mayor peligro en el mundo”. (press: Editorial/ El Tiempo, Roberto Pombo, 26.4.2012 – here).
· “El Lago de Tota candidato a ‘tarjeta gris’ internacional”, (press: Informe Especial/ En Blanco y Negro, Carlos Abdón Ballesteros, 24.2.2012).
Detailed justification for why the wetland won the award.
Lack of awareness or consciousness in all levels of local and Colombian community and authorities, towards Lago de Tota and its watershed, even being the main and biggest lake in the country and a wetland of international importance. We just don’t really know what environmental, biodiversity and hydric richness we have with Lago de Tota, and believe it can last forever with whatever we treat it or do with it.
It can be seen as a result of:
· Lack of knowledge, culture and education on wetlands, its functioning and importance for humans and other species.
· Bad practises in agriculture, fishing industry (cages); lack of water treatment from communities nearby (sewerage), lack of environmental authority law application, lack of payments for environmental services, deforestation in watershed areas, occupation of wetland areas for agriculture and human developments (services infrastructure –roads, energy services-, even houses).
· Good amount of investigation studies in many fields, but missing and not gathered and easily available for people.
· Bureaucracy and politicians personal-interest influence in our main local environmental office (named Corpoboyacá). So the real purpose as an environmental authority is commonly missed and stay apart from Lago de Tota problems.
· Lack of more environmental NGO’s or civil groups interested in our wetland and territory future.
· Lack of environmental centres for kids and people in general, specifically a Wetland Centre in Lago de Tota. In fact, Colombia hasn’t got any Wetland Centre devoted to culture and investigation on wetlands, so that knowledge is kept in some individuals and some universities, but it is not for public reach as it must be –specially for kids and young people.
· A culture (local, and Colombian as a whole) without a precautionary principle in environmental decisions and laws (all levels), so we use not to believe in early stages of the problems, and so use to react only when the problem is already big, when it is late and so expensive to repair.
· Lack of protection figures, in all levels; specially a designation as a RAMSAR site. Colombia has a law from 1997 (Ley 357 de 1997 –can be seen here) when the country adhere to Ramsar Convention as a formal party, but since then Lago de Tota as the main and biggest lake in Colombia (with many of the 9 requirements from the Ramsar Convention to be a site for its list) it hasn’t been designated. It is an inexcusable fail for our authorities.
· Lack of knowledge about results on nature and our lives when impacts are frequent and not solved promptly.
· We as an Andean and tropical region that surrounds Lago de Tota, are a very fortunate one in terms of water, weather, land productiveness, and so on. And because of that, we just don’t know what is to suffer! Of bad quality water, bad weather or seasonal climate, or land unproductiveness; so because we are environmentally rich with Lago de Tota, we as society tend to believe this won’t change and so it is not important to see at Lago de Tota as a sick wetland.
· Lago de Tota is a sick and threatened wetland surrounded by a human family that believes it is a healthy, safe and never ending resource.
· Many people depends on that wetland for their home water (an estimated population of 500,000 people), so its many environmental threats are threatened many people too. It is a dangerous equation, which has to be stopped and reversed.
Our society is not aware of wetlands and watershed importance in our lives, and Lago de Tota has won the Grey Globe award mainly because it is a result of a sociological problem –above the environmental one; a gap that can be filled with education at a wide and easy public reach (Wetland Centre in Lago de Tota; and a permanent chain of campaigns, forums, festivals, demonstrations, classes in schools, and so on).
1. Lago de Tota -
2. Impacts1 -
3. Impacts2 -
4. “Lago de Tota al desnudo” (nude Lake Tota) – an event held on 18.3.2012 (31 people naked before Lago de Tota) to reach awareness through Lago de Tota’s threats and so its need of a positive change -
Future plans for the wetland (if necessary)
1. Designation as a Ramsar site.
2. Government development of a Wetland Centre, using Isla San Pedro for a Botanic Garden, and some other state properties located in Lago de Tota’s watershed.
3. Government development of “Centro Tota”, a hub to host various offices devoted to the monitoring and protection of the Lago de Tota, its watershed, and high mountain valuable ecosystems (Páramos or moor).
Short video clips of the site and / or interviews with local people / groups.
1. Panoramic view / Lago de Tota -
2. Why a Grey Globe for Lago de Tota -
Lago de Tota
Coordinates, region, country, size (ha)
Lat 5.55, Long -72.92. Neotropics. Colombia, Sugamuxi. 6,000 Ha (lake) and 24,000 Ha (watershed).
Type and key characteristics.
Lago de Tota is a tropical, dystrophic high Andean lake and is thermally meromictic (permanently stratified). The lake is 3,015m above sea level on the eastern side of the Colombian Andean mountains, with a maximum watershed height of 3,800m above sea level. It is 47km in perimeter, with an estimated maximum depth of 70m (average of 33m), containing a volume of 2,000 million cubic metres of water. It is 12.25km long, and is 7.1km wide, with five islands.
The Lago de Tota’s watershed is especially important because it is part of the Páramo (moor) ecosystem, a very specific ecosystem that only exists in some tropical countries. Colombia has the most Páramos in the world, mainly located in this region. It is an extremely fragile ecosystem and important in maintaining the water cycle.
This natural lake is the biggest in Colombia, and known as the 2nd highest in south America (after Lake Titicaca in Bolivia/Perú). The lake was formed in the ice age, the remnants of a huge Andean sea. It now provides water to nearly 500,000 people in the region.
The lake was designated an IBA site in 2008, and according to a recent report by Asociación Ornitológica de Boyacá- Ixobrychus it has had 116 bird species recorded since 2003, 7 of them as endemic, and some endangered or at risk of extinction at an international level (Garcita Dorada, Ixobrychus exilis bogotensis; Pato Burco, Oxyura jamaicensis andina; Tingua Cundiboyacense, Rallus semiplumbeus; Cucarachero de Pantano, Cistothorus apolinari; Tingua Moteada, Gallinula melanops; Colaespina Cundiboyacense, Synallaxis subpudica; and Conirostro Rufo, Conirostrum rufum).
The name “Tota” comes from ancient times, from the indigenous Muisca culture; and according to a scientific linguist (Mariana Escribano) its main name meaning stands for “Astronomic Observatory”, relating to its sacred uses for that culture. There are legends which relate to the way that lake was formed by the hands of ancient ancestors.
Current uses for Lago de Tota and its watershed are for water consumption, agriculture uses (onion farms mainly, but also potato and others), some caged trout farming industry, limited animal farming, mining, tourism, water for heavy industry (a big steel industry mainly, located apart 30 km from the lake). A large watershed area (highlands) remains in its native state, without economic activities.
The average monthly temperature of the region at lake level is 11.7 °C, but the minimum is 0.6 °C. Average rainfall varies from 680 to 1,130 mm per year.
Native flora includes: Miconia sp. (esmeraldo), Abatia sp. (paloblanco), Vallea sp. (gaque), Prunus sp. (cerezo silvestre), Myrcianthes sp.(arrayán), Juglans sp.(nogal), Hesperomeles sp. (mortiño), Cedrela sp. (cedro).
Native fauna includes: Nasua nasua (guache o cusumbo), Didelphis albiventris (fara o chucha), Cuniculus taczanowskii (tinajo o guagua), Sylvilagus brasiliensis (conejo), Mustela frenata (comadreja), Crytotis sp. (musaraña), Cavia porcellus (Curí), Dasypus novemcinctus (armadillo), Dendropsophus labialis (Rana andina), Anadia sp. (lagratija).
Award won
Grey Globe
Contact in the local area (NGO, individual, government rep, whichever is most appropriate. Could be several contacts)
1. Fundación Montecito (NGO, Sogamoso)/ Felipe Velasco – e: [email protected] – sites: – –
2. Johana Zuluaga (NGO, Bird Association in Boyacá – Ixobrychus) – [email protected]
3. Fernando Chaparro (NGO + region walker) - [email protected]
4. Pedro Reyes (NGO, Boyacá) – [email protected]
5. Jorge Valencia (Consultant and University professor) – [email protected]
6. Jairo Chaparro (Consultant and Academy professor, Bogotá) - [email protected]
7. Héctor Rodríguez (Journalist, Sogamoso) - [email protected]
Management organisation(s)
1. Corpoboyacá (Corporación Autónoma Regional de Boyacá).
2. Ministerio de Ambiente y Desarrollo Sostenible (MADS) – as the main environmental authority in Colombia.
Quotes from local people/organisations supporting the award
· “Debe ser un éxito... es lo realmente esperado. Por la joya verde de Sugamuxi”, (Walter Martínez, 11.4.2012).
· “El Lago de Tota necesita nuestro apoyo y también nuestra protección. Si logramos este reconocimiento internacional, tendremos más apoyo para conservarlo. No podemos seguir indemnes frente a la grave situación que enfrenta el Lago de Tota con su altísimo grado de contaminación, no sigamos contemplando el problema: Actuemos!!!”, (Red de Páramos de Boyacá, 30.3.2012).
· “Votos al Lago de Tota como ‘goticas de afecto para su alma... con espíritu solidario’. Querido y bello Lago de Tota: Estás amenazado de muchas formas, mal manejado, enfermo, intranquilo; lo sabemos. En cada voto a éste tema del GLOBO GRIS, recibe nuestro mensaje de amor infinito, y nuestro deseo de recuperarte y conservarte, porque te queremos y necesitamos siempre sano y fuerte”, (Felipe A. Velasco, 30.3.2012).
· “El Lago de Tota fue postulado al premio Globo Gris por las amenazas que lo rondan y con el propósito de que el mundo dirija su mirada a este humedal”, (press: El Tiempo/ B7D, Héctor H. Rodríguez, 11.1.2012 – here).
· “Ese premio es genuina publicidad de la buena, y a nivel mundial... bien craneado!... sería un gran logro, a ver si al menos pena nos da... y que ésta saque de la arena política a los que nunca hicieron nada...” (MiGenteLinda, B7D, 14.1.2012).
· “Definitivamente hay concursos de concursos. Al paso que va el Lago de Tota le va a ocurrir lo de otros cuerpos de agua como Fúquene en donde la gente abusó tanto de las cercanías, relleno, invasión, secado y cuando el agua retomó su curso por la inundación acabó con la invasión que encontró. Hace falta una legislación más firme y una aplicación de la ley para proteger un entorno que pertenece a todos los colombianos y a la humanidad; de la contaminación, uso indebido del agua, invasión de sectores secos por el retiro del agua”, (jprodri1, B7D, 13.1.2012).
· “Ya voté también, sí son varios pasos pero es fácil siguiendo instrucciones de esa página. Son centenares de humedales en el mundo los que concursan... pero tenemos que ganar eso, porque nuestro lago de tota clama ayuda, lleno de contaminación daños y basuras, no hay derecho!!”, (perchan, B7D, 12.1.2012).
· “… premio Globo Gris, organizado por la red mundial de conseguimos ganar, el lago tendría reconocimiento internacional y los mecanismos para su conservación y protección serían más eficaces....votemos!! son sólo unos minutos, tómate el tiempo porque probablemente después sea demasiado tarde...”, (Ángela Caycedo, 30.3.2012).
· “Después de conocer más de cerca la problemática del lago, crece la necesidad de protegerlo, conservarlo y defenderlo. Sí se necesita reconocimiento internacional y preocupación de todos, perder 5600 hectáreas de ecosistema con la belleza que aún conserva sería imperdonable. Debemos apropiarnos, conocer y asumir una responsabilidad en estas problemáticas. Somos responsables del problema pero también de la solución”, (Ángela Caycedo, 26.3.2012).
· “Hoy el OBSA expondrá a los estudiantes del Colegio Salesiano por qué votar y cómo votar”, (Mónica Maritza Pineda, 21.3.2012).
· “Muchas gracias por sus votos! qué bueno que estas redes puedan contribuir a causas que nos lleven hacia un mejor planeta...”, (Ángela Caycedo, 19.3.2012).
· “El Lago necesita un premio y reconocimiento internacional, votemos, porque desde el ambiente también nos hacemos más democráticos”, (Ángela Caycedo, facebook event, 14.3.2012).
· “Los premios Globo son ante todo un excelente ejercicio democrático ambiental para humedales, de la sociedad civil, a nivel mundial, cada cual es libre de votar o no, y de hacerlo como considere y logre argumentar; y la organización (WWN) cuida que la verdad sea dicha con especial sentido de responsabilidad social”, (Felipe Andrés Velasco, 24.2.2012).
· “El emblemático lago de Tota, nada menos que el embalse natural más importante de Colombia, está desapareciendo día por día. Su deterioro no es más un secreto a voces: es una pésima noticia, que durante los cuatro primeros meses de este año, gracias a la enérgica defensa que han emprendido la Fundación Montecito, el movimiento cívico Mocilato y las principales autoridades del departamento de Boyacá, ha ido llegando a oídos de ambientalistas del mundo entero. En enero se supo que el legendario reservorio ha sido postulado al vergonzoso premio Globo Gris, que otorga la World Wetland Network con el propósito de salvar cuerpos de agua amenazados, como el que corre un mayor peligro en el mundo”. (press: Editorial/ El Tiempo, Roberto Pombo, 26.4.2012 – here).
· “El Lago de Tota candidato a ‘tarjeta gris’ internacional”, (press: Informe Especial/ En Blanco y Negro, Carlos Abdón Ballesteros, 24.2.2012).
Detailed justification for why the wetland won the award.
Lack of awareness or consciousness in all levels of local and Colombian community and authorities, towards Lago de Tota and its watershed, even being the main and biggest lake in the country and a wetland of international importance. We just don’t really know what environmental, biodiversity and hydric richness we have with Lago de Tota, and believe it can last forever with whatever we treat it or do with it.
It can be seen as a result of:
· Lack of knowledge, culture and education on wetlands, its functioning and importance for humans and other species.
· Bad practises in agriculture, fishing industry (cages); lack of water treatment from communities nearby (sewerage), lack of environmental authority law application, lack of payments for environmental services, deforestation in watershed areas, occupation of wetland areas for agriculture and human developments (services infrastructure –roads, energy services-, even houses).
· Good amount of investigation studies in many fields, but missing and not gathered and easily available for people.
· Bureaucracy and politicians personal-interest influence in our main local environmental office (named Corpoboyacá). So the real purpose as an environmental authority is commonly missed and stay apart from Lago de Tota problems.
· Lack of more environmental NGO’s or civil groups interested in our wetland and territory future.
· Lack of environmental centres for kids and people in general, specifically a Wetland Centre in Lago de Tota. In fact, Colombia hasn’t got any Wetland Centre devoted to culture and investigation on wetlands, so that knowledge is kept in some individuals and some universities, but it is not for public reach as it must be –specially for kids and young people.
· A culture (local, and Colombian as a whole) without a precautionary principle in environmental decisions and laws (all levels), so we use not to believe in early stages of the problems, and so use to react only when the problem is already big, when it is late and so expensive to repair.
· Lack of protection figures, in all levels; specially a designation as a RAMSAR site. Colombia has a law from 1997 (Ley 357 de 1997 –can be seen here) when the country adhere to Ramsar Convention as a formal party, but since then Lago de Tota as the main and biggest lake in Colombia (with many of the 9 requirements from the Ramsar Convention to be a site for its list) it hasn’t been designated. It is an inexcusable fail for our authorities.
· Lack of knowledge about results on nature and our lives when impacts are frequent and not solved promptly.
· We as an Andean and tropical region that surrounds Lago de Tota, are a very fortunate one in terms of water, weather, land productiveness, and so on. And because of that, we just don’t know what is to suffer! Of bad quality water, bad weather or seasonal climate, or land unproductiveness; so because we are environmentally rich with Lago de Tota, we as society tend to believe this won’t change and so it is not important to see at Lago de Tota as a sick wetland.
· Lago de Tota is a sick and threatened wetland surrounded by a human family that believes it is a healthy, safe and never ending resource.
· Many people depends on that wetland for their home water (an estimated population of 500,000 people), so its many environmental threats are threatened many people too. It is a dangerous equation, which has to be stopped and reversed.
Our society is not aware of wetlands and watershed importance in our lives, and Lago de Tota has won the Grey Globe award mainly because it is a result of a sociological problem –above the environmental one; a gap that can be filled with education at a wide and easy public reach (Wetland Centre in Lago de Tota; and a permanent chain of campaigns, forums, festivals, demonstrations, classes in schools, and so on).
1. Lago de Tota -
2. Impacts1 -
3. Impacts2 -
4. “Lago de Tota al desnudo” (nude Lake Tota) – an event held on 18.3.2012 (31 people naked before Lago de Tota) to reach awareness through Lago de Tota’s threats and so its need of a positive change -
Future plans for the wetland (if necessary)
1. Designation as a Ramsar site.
2. Government development of a Wetland Centre, using Isla San Pedro for a Botanic Garden, and some other state properties located in Lago de Tota’s watershed.
3. Government development of “Centro Tota”, a hub to host various offices devoted to the monitoring and protection of the Lago de Tota, its watershed, and high mountain valuable ecosystems (Páramos or moor).
Short video clips of the site and / or interviews with local people / groups.
1. Panoramic view / Lago de Tota -
2. Why a Grey Globe for Lago de Tota -